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WeHaKee Support Staff Reference Form

This form is our WeHaKee Camp for Girls Support Staff Reference Form. The information entered in this form is used as another way to evaluate someone who has applied to work at WeHaKee Camp for Girls, an all girls residential camp.

The task of selecting the right staff for this important position is difficult and we would appreciate your insight on the applicant and why you feel they would be a great fit. Please either fill out this online form, or download, fill out, and mail in our printable form, as promptly as possible, because further action depends on your response.

Please note that you have the ability to save your progress on the online form below and return to complete it.

Full name of applicant that is requesting a reference for applying for a summer camp position at WeHaKee Camp for Girls, an all girls residential camp owned and operated by the Catholic Dominican Sisters.

Objective Rating

Under each general heading, please check the phrase which most accurately describes the applicant's routine behavior.
1. WeHaKee staff are role models for other staff and girls ages 7 – 17. How well is this candidate able to demonstrate positive qualities including leadership, attitude and patience?(Required)
2. Each staff member will work with others in accomplishing their work and in general camp management. How well does this candidate work with peers/associates for the good of the group?(Required)
3. Camp is a learning environment for campers and staff where each person is asked to improve themself. How does this candidate react to suggestions or criticism by others?(Required)
4. Camp is a team environment; however, each staff member has personal work assignments. How responsible are they? Are they able to get things done on their own?(Required)
5. How well do they apply energy and persistence in job follow through?(Required)
6. Camp staff work long hours with constant demands on their energy and attitude. How well do they handle emotions in stressful circumstances?(Required)
7. Camp staff members uphold safety and security standards on behalf of the campers, staff and camp. How well does this candidate uphold rules and guidelines?(Required)

Narrative Report

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Did You Know You Can Save Your Form Progress?

To save your progress on this application and return later to complete it, just click the “Save and Continue Later” button above at the bottom of the application.

After clicking “Save and Continue Later”, you’ll see a confirmation message and receive a notification e-mail with instructions on how to come back and complete your saved application.

Did You Know You Can Save Your Form Progress?

To save your progress on this application and return later to complete it, just click the “Save and Continue Later” button at the bottom of the application.

After clicking “Save and Continue Later”, you’ll see a confirmation message and receive a notification e-mail with instructions on how to come back and complete your saved application.