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What to Bring to Girls Summer Camp

Recommended Items to Bring to Camp

The following list indicates a 2-week supply. Label all belongings with camper’s name to make it easier for us to reunite lost & misplaced items with their rightful owners!

  • 5-6 pair of shorts
  • 2 pair jeans or long pants
  • 8-10 t-shirts/tanks
  • 10+ pair underwear
  • 10+ pair socks
  • 2 pair Pajamas
  • Long-sleeve shirt
  • 2 sweatshirts
  • Raincoat or poncho
  • Hoodie or jacket
  • 2 pair athletic shoes
  • 2 swimsuits (1 piece or well fitting 2 piece)
  • Sandals/flip-flops
  • Water shoes
  • Stuffed animals
  • 2 sets twin sheets
  • Sleeping bag and 1 blanket
  • Pillow & 2 pillow cases
  • 2 wash clothes
  • 2 bath towels and face towels
  • Flashlight
  • Sunscreen Bug repellant
  • Camera
  • 2 large beach towels
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Comb/brush
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Toiletry or tote bag
  • Books
  • Writing materials

Optional Specialized Items

  • Riding boots or shoes with heels, approved riding helmet (for those selecting horseback riding)
  • Bicycle helmet (for those selecting biking)
  • Tennis racquet (for those selecting tennis)

Suggested Items for Camp

Label all belongings with camper’s name to make it easier for us to reunite lost & misplaced items with their rightful owners!

  • Games and activities
  • Fun and crazy clothing / accessories
  • Day pack / Carry bag
  • Music appropriate for reflections, dance, and more!

Unacceptable Items

Camp WeHaKee retains the right to remove from a camper’s possession, any items listed below to ensure a safe, healthy, & welcoming camp environment.

  • Aerosol bug spray or sunscreen
  • Electronic video games, other gaming players or devices
  • Hazardous sports equipment (archery items, knives, etc.)
  • Pets or animals
  • Personal electronics (No cell phones, video players, iPads / tablets, personal computers are allowed at any time! iPods are permissible on buses to / from camp as well as on a very limited basis at camp)
  • Vehicles (campers cannot have vehicles at camp)

Important Reminders About Food and Safety

A Word About Candy & Food at Camp WeHaKee

Please know that all campers have access to snacks and beverages each afternoon through the Trading Post (at no extra charge). Dessert is served at lunch and dinner. With respect to increased food borne allergies, dietary concerns & sensitivities, WeHaKee will confiscate any food items that a camper may bring to or receive at camp. The presence of candy and other snacks creates challenges in maintaining a healthy, safe and sustainable environment for all of our campers & staff. Specifically…

  • All packages delivered to campers will be opened and inspected by camp staff to ensure that no food items have been sent to the camper. Again any food items will be confiscated. If appropriate, confiscated food items will be donated to a local food shelf.

Suggested Care Package Items to Send to Your Camper

We encourage non-food items such as books and magazines, cabin party favors / decorations, dress-up clothes, games and puzzles, markers, crayons, pens, stuffed animals, posters, family photos, or other group novelty items that can be shared with all.

For The Safety of Everyone at Camp WeHaKee

Please understand that the USE, POSSESSION or KNOWLEDGE of the items listed below on camp grounds or during camp sponsored events, activities, or trips will be grounds for immediate removal from camp (at camper’s family’s expense).

  • Alcohol and Tobacco products
  • Drug Paraphernalia
  • Guns (real or fake)
  • Illegal Drugs, Narcotics, or Hallucinogenic items
  • Knives (including hunting & pocket knives)