What We Do The Rest Of The Year… Learn More! Part 1
We have shared before one of the most common comments we hear when we tell people we are camp directors, “What do you do the rest of the year”. After masking our eye-roll reaction, we go on to share all of the things we work on year-round to keep camp fresh, exciting and safe. One of the ways we do that is by gathering with other camp professionals to share our successes, explore where and how we can improve, learn new approaches to make camp even safer and network.
February is the month for camp conferences. We are currently in New Orleans for two such conferences; the Camp Owners and Directors (CODA) National Canference followed by the American Camp Association (ACA) National Conference. We have been attending these for many years and look forward to seeing old friends and meet new professionals in our business.
We will be attending keynote speakers who share new insights into trends and challenges in youth development and other current topics impacting the world of camping. We will also select break-out sessions where we learn more about challenges facing children and youth, successfully addressing emerging safety concerns, new and exciting staff training & support methods, better ways to maintain and improve our facilities, providing effective health & wellness at camp, fascinating new program ideas, and so much more.
As the week continues, we will gather photos and ideas that we will share with you next week. We can’t wait to tell you all of the new approaches we hope to add to our camp planning for this summer. And we are even more excited to put these in place for an even better summer at Camp WeHaKee!
Just a little piece of all of the things we do ‘the rest of the year’ to make sure Camp WeHaKee continues to improve and remain the premier girls camp in the Midwest! See you next week with lots to share!