There’s More Than Grades!
It has been that time of year around here for our family – time for parent/teacher conferences! We’ve seldom had any major difficulties or anxieties related to them in the past, perhaps because we have been blessed with two daughters who generally take their studies seriously.
Not having significant academic issues to address, we wanted to take advantage of this time with their teachers to gain their perspectives on our daughters’ adjustment to the new school settings, particularly how they have been doing socially. It is always interesting to see where different teachers go with this line of inquiry. Some have a somewhat narrow and limited view, relating only what they have observed in the classroom while others take a more ‘big picture’ look and share what they have observed in the hallway, the cafeteria, at the bus stop, or what they have heard discussed among the lockers.
This experience emphasized the beauty of our Camp WeHaKee staff. Because of the uniqueness of the camp setting, our counselors are naturally better able to see each girl in a three-dimensional, comprehensive view. They don’t just interact with them in one activity, one class. They see them in the cabin, in the dining hall, in other activities or just hanging out & having fun with other campers. This helps them to see their strengths & weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, their failures and successes and their laughter and their tears ~ ultimately allowing each counselor to be so much more effective when helping guide and encourage each girl. It also helps them tailor their role modelling skills to better help positively influence each girl’s choices. It really proves that camp embraces a truly ‘whole-child’ education!
As a former teacher, I am occasionally asked why I left education. To which I politely respond, I haven’t left education. I simply moved to a different classroom ~ a much more satisfying, fulfilling and fun one I might add!