Sunday Snippet: WeHaKee Needs Your Support
Camp WeHaKee recently celebrated 95 years of helping girls and young women reach their potential and become contributing members of the greater world. We are blessed with many benefactors that contribute regularly to help us meet our expenses and serve girls throughout the country and the world.
To successfully make it to the century mark – 100 years of WeHaKee – we need many more of you to step up and support the camp financially. We are deeply dedicated to serving a diverse and vibrant group of girls, many who may not have the means to attend a camp such as WeHaKee. And we are firmly committed to keeping our fees in check so those who currently can afford them can continue to send their daughters to camp.
“No one has ever become poor by giving” – Anne Frank
Fuel, insurance, food and staffing costs have risen steeply in the last couple of years and have strained our budget immensely. Without more donors stepping up to the plate to help WeHaKee, we will be facing difficult choices for the future of the camp we all love and cherish!
If you or a family member has attended WeHaKee, you know the importance of this experience in helping girls build self-confidence and perseverance allowing them to overcome the challenges girls face today. WeHaKee is a gift that keeps on giving for every girl that has attended. Now is the time to show how valuable that experience is by giving back to WeHaKee in whatever amount you are able.
Give today and help WeHeKee empower girls
to become strong women for generations to come!
If you have never donated to Camp WeHaKee, now is the time! We are in great need of your support to ensure WeHaKee can continue to do what it has done for nearly five generations. Help us secure the future of WeHaKee so that we can charge into our next century of service with confidence and security!
We know you and all of the WeHaKee community is up to the challenge! Give today and help WeHeKee empower strong women for generations to come. We humbly thank you for your support and hope you enjoy your day!
Bob and Maggie Braun
Camp Directors