Visiting The Values Of WeHakee; Peace
PEACE: Relationships that create an environment Blessed by God
Challenges are a part of the natural ebb and flow of any relationship.
Learning how to work through the challenges respectfully, openly and honestly
is an important part of maintaining deep and meaningful relationships at WeHaKee and beyond.
Happy Easter to everyone! Peace is such an appropriate value to be exploring on this Blessed day. It is ultimately what makes WeHaKee Camp for Girls such a special and joyous place for girls each summer.
Without peace, all of WeHaKee’s other values – Community, Compassion, Justice and Truth – would be rendered useless. Peace is what binds them together and makes the overall WeHaKee mission strong and relevant. But exactly how does peace happen at camp?
Relationships continuously evolve as the individuals in relationships learn more about each other, experience more things together and develop relationships with others. This can lead to relationship stress and even conflict. But guiding campers to peacefully resolve conflicts with others is a primary role of the WeHaKee counseling staff. Counselors help girls calm themselves before facing the conflict so that they can be more objective and receptive of the other person. They also help them to embrace forgiveness as a way to resolve issues and ultimately achieve peace.
The WeHaKee experience also provides girls with opportunities to learn about and practice inner peace by embracing inner reflection and gratitude. As girls learn to look within themselves to see their own worth, they increase their confidence and independence leading to a sense of peace within themselves.
We thank you for taking the time to journey with us as we explored the values of WeHaKee Camp for Girls over these past few weeks. We hope you have seen how intentional WeHaKee is in integrating the values of Community, Compassion, Justice, Truth and Peace throughout all aspects of the camp experience.
Thank you for joining us and have a great week everyone!