Sunday Snippet: Relationship Is The Heart
At the HEART of WeHaKee is Relationship!
A tagline is meant to capture one’s attention in hopes of getting them interested in what you have to offer. Â The WeHaKee tagline is so much more however! It is truly at the core of what we do so well each and every summer. Â We help girls and young women enhance and refine their relationship building skills so that they can not only create meaningful friendships at camp, but vibrantly maintain those friendships throughout their lifetime. Â AND, this also provides girls with the skills to create and build strong, positive relationships well beyond camp and well into their future!
One of the keys to helping girls create and maintain positive and long-lasting friendships is helping them look within to what they can bring to the relationship. What is their role in nurturing and building the bond between them and another person? Â As each girl looks within, they begin to see all that they have to offer and guess what? Â As they highlight and discover all that they are, they become more accepting of themselves, leading to greater self-confidence… Â well, you can see where this is going!
We recently came across a wonderful blog post that addressed this very topic – 9 Things Your Relationships Need From You (Marc Angel, Practical Tips for Productive Living). Â In it, Marc emphasizes 9 key areas each of us can reflect on with regards to the relationships in our lives. What is remarkable is we see all nine of these items constantly being displayed at camp. Â But the one that we felt is exceptionally important is the final ‘thing’ – Self Love. Â It is not about becoming conceited or ignoring personal areas in need of improvement, it is about accepting who you really are and what you truly have to offer.
“Relationships don’t create joy, they reflect it.
Joy comes from within.
Relationships are simply mirrors of the combined joy
that two people have as individuals.
What you see in the mirror is
what you see in your relationships.
Your disappointment in others perfectly reflects
your disappointment in yourself.
Your acceptance of others perfectly reflects
your acceptance of yourself.
Thus, the first step to having a healthy relationship
with anyone else is to have a healthy relationship
with yourself.“Â (Marc Angel)
So, hopefully you can see that our tagline is so much more than that. Â It is truly what we believe, what we do, what we provide each and every camper that joins us each summer. Â Thank you for joining us. Have a great week!