Fridays with Franky: The Value of WeHaKee!
Hi everyone – it’s me, Franky the Camp WeHaKee dog! I know I talked about this a couple weeks ago, but since I know camp can be expensive I thought it would be a great reminder. This is the last weekend you can save the most on an extremely valuable WeHaKee experience. To save $300 to $500 off the program fee for a regular session at WeHaKee, you much register by September 30th ~ That’s Next Tuesday!
We would not argue that if you simply look at the program fee for a 2-, 4- or 6-week session at WeHaKee, one could say it’s kind of expensive. Examine a little deeper though and you will see that the WeHaKee experience is an exceptional value for all that is available to each girl during each session. In a 2-week session, each girl receives 5 hours of instruction & activity time in 10 different activities. If you tried to provide her with that through school & community recreation & education programs at home, the registration fees alone would likely match or even exceed the WeHaKee program fee. Add transportation time & costs (and frustration!), and you can begin to see the value of camp.
And camp provides so much more than activity time & instruction! In addition to receiving lodging and three exceptional meals a day, they are exposed to the tremendous role models among our staff, they make lifelong friends from around the country & the world, they learn to live cooperatively and independently in a supportive community, and they have amazing fun!
Yes, it is still quite a bit of money to attend WeHaKee, but our families find that it is an investment that pays off in tremendous benefits for their daughters! We still want to make it as affordable as we can and right now is the best time to register as you can save $300 to $500 with our Elite Discounts! Our 2015 registrations are already way ahead of this same time last year – which was our best year so far! So, if you’re thinking of WeHaKee for Summer 2015, now’s the time to reserve your spot in your favorite session at WeHaKee! Here are a couple of links that you can use to get started…
Click HERE to Register Online
Best part is, you only need to pay the deposit at this time. AND… if you decide to switch to a different session later, your Elite Discount stays with you! If you want more information, you can click HERE to visit our website. If you have questions, click HERE to contact us directly – we’re always happy to help!
Have a great weekend everyone… and see you all next summer!!