Fridays with Franky: A Session 1 Update!
Good morning camp friends, it’s Franky the WeHaKee Camp dog!
Lots has been happening here at WeHaKee with the arrival of over 90 campers to camp. Campers coming by car arrived the afternoon with enough time to get settled and then come and greet the bus coming from the Chicago area before dinner! After dinner (spaghetti!) there were games and a quick stop in to say hello to the camp nurses. Then the bus from Minneapolis and the airport pulled in and everyone helped carry luggage and greet new friends before evening prayer. After travel day everyone settled in for a good nights sleep.
The next day everyone tie-dyed a t-shirt, got a quick health screening, had waterfront orientation, and took a dip in the pool for a swim check! Lunch was very lively, with girls starting to learn the clapping games that are popular once the dishes have been cleared from the tables.
I saw lots of fun stuff going on in the afternoon as girls started going to the activities they had chosen on their Activity Form. Each girl had a little schedule of her own, and some of them wrote it down on the back of their new name tag so they could decorate and hang the paper copy on their bunk.
After dinner was the Welcome Fire!Each cabin came up with a skit, chant, or song to introduce themselves to the camp. We sang some songs, laughed at the counselors’ skit, and had prayer out at the fire circle! After showers the girls tucked themselves into their cabins to watch for Mary WeHaKee to visit–a full moon night means she might be out riding a horse and paddling a canoe!
Since then girls have been to every activity they signed up for at least once, and they are looking forward to more sessions. They’ve had 2 Cabin Nights as well. I saw Messy Twister, Pool Parties, Pontoon Rides, and much more! They will have another Cabin Night tonight as well–maybe I will join the Scavenger Hunt so I can run around camp with the girls!
Thanks for tuning in! We are looking forward to a Special Event (Christmas in June) tomorrow and more fun activities in the days to come. Remember to write your camper a letter!