Fridays with Franky: Mess for Success!
Hi! Franky the WeHaKee camp dog here! As things get warmer and muddier in my neighborhood, I have been thinking about making a mess. I know all about messes because someone has to wipe my paws every time I go outside now! I’m a lucky dog. The WeHaKee campers are lucky too because they get to make some pretty important messes!
Sure, WeHaKee campers have plenty of ways to stay clean and healthy at camp. The bathrooms are professionally cleaned daily, the dining hall has yummy food prepared safely (I’m not even allowed in there… I wonder why!), and there is time set aside to shower for each cabin each day. They have their own space to keep their clothes, and the coveted Golden Dustpan keeps them all motivated to work together to have the cleanest cabin.
But camp is a great place to get messy too! It’s the great outdoors. I’m always happy to see girls branching out and taking the opportunity to get sweaty playing sports, to get clay all over their hands in pottery, to take up a whole kitchen with the ingredients for smoothies or apple cake. WeHaKee campers get to have sticky s’more hands after a fire, dusty hands after grooming a horse, even shaving cream in their hair after a game of messy Twister.
As a dog who knows how to make a mess, I sure appreciate the chance camp gives to the girls to make mistakes and even messy successes. Our outdoor environment and facilitates are set up so that those good messes are encouraged. We all work together to put the pottery barn back in order after class, tidy the kitchen from the smoothie mess, or line up to wash dust, or marshmallow, off our hands (or paws).
So there’s lots of learning to be done from our messes! I can’t wait to see you all at camp, and we can make a mess together!