Meet the 2016 Staff, Part 2
Franky, the WeHaKee camp dog, here with some more of our wonderful staff for summer 2016! Last week I reintroduced our year-round staff. As always, they will be joined by around 30 summer staff members who cannot wait to meet you all on the shores of Hunter Lake. I’ll let these amazing women introduce themselves so you can get to know them!
Hi guys! My name is Valerie. I am originally from Jerseyville, Illinois, but I now live in Saint Charles, Missouri, about 30 minutes from Saint Louis, where I attend Lindenwood University. I am 20 years old, but I am really just a big kid at heart! I love to be outside and enjoy God’s beauty in nature. I enjoying going on walks, hiking, and hanging out in my hammock. I feel as if I was born to be a camp counselor. God has truly blessed me with this opportunity! I can’t wait to meet the rest of the WeHaKee staff and all of the campers. I am praying for you all!
Fun fact about Valerie: She has never been to Wisconsin, but says “I’m already in love with WeHaKee and I haven’t even been there yet.”
Hi guys! My name is Martha and I am a sophomore at Notre Dame majoring in marketing and film/television. I am from the western suburbs of Chicago and fun fact, I am a triplet! I love running, waterskiing, playing guitar, sailing, spontaneous dancing, and hanging out with my BFF Franky! This will be my 7th summer at camp (second as a staff member) and I can’t wait to be back for this summer!
Martha says that if she was a dog like me, she would be a golden retriever!

about an hour south of the Cities! I am a Pre-vet student with an Ag business and Marketing minor, Equine studies minor, and a Swine certificate! This will be my first year as a staff member at camp and I am super excited to get to know you all!! Although I was never a camper at camp WeHaKee, if I was a camper, I would definitely choose to ride horses and to learn about them, I am super excited to be around horses and learning all kinds of new things! I am also very excited about the fishing and hoping to learn a little more about the different water sports Camp WeHaKee has to offer! Super excited to meet you all!!:)