Fridays with Franky: Family Ties
Hi everyone! Franky the camp dog here with another Fridays with Franky! Sending off 2 full buses and many cars at the end of session 3 was kind of bittersweet. It was good to see the campers going home to share the love and excitement of camp with everyone, and to know that they will return again next summer is great… but I missed them right away! Just when I thought the summer was winding down and I would have to find a rawhide to chew on to keep myself occupied, a ton more people showed up! Some of them looked like the campers we usually get, awesome young women and girls… but the Moms, Dads, brothers, and little siblings came with this time didn’t just drop them off and leave. They got to stay too, and enjoy Family Camp!
Family camp is a great time for families to come together to WeHaKee, and it’s not just for the girls! Of course, it’s great for future or current campers to see what camp is like with their families there to help out… but it’s also fun to have adults playing and spending time together with their relatives. There was so much to do! And just like girls’ camp, songs were sung, cookout food was eaten, and the lake was full!
It was so sad to watch this group of wonderful families leave yesterday. Our short time together went so fast, I barely had time to sniff everyone’s shoes! I thought for sure this time that people wouldn’t be at camp until next summer, but then another group came, even bigger than the last. It was the Mother-Daughter and Auntie campers. My dad (Bob the camp director) told me that camp is full for this session of camp with Moms, Aunts, Grandmas, and their daughters, nieces, and grand-daughters. Once again, it’s fun for me to see adults and children and everyone in-between having good clean camp fun!
If you think you would like to join in on this fun for 2015, registration is open! For more information, click here!
See you at camp!