Fridays with Franky: Eat, Sleep, and Breathe Camp!
Hello again, it’s Franky the WeHaKee camp dog! I know it seems far away now, but I just can’t stop thinking about our next summer at camp! The sound of the birds, the trees, the lake, and of course, the campers… I can almost hear it now.
If you’ve been to camp before, maybe you can picture it too! Perhaps you’ve already registered, because you’re ready to be a part of it again. But if you’re like me, and you have friends who have never been to WeHaKee, you want to be able to tell them about it.
I know it can be hard to describe the feeling WeHaKee gives you, so it’s your job to describe what day-to-day life is like! That way, your family and friends know what it is about WeHaKee that supports that great community feeling that’s sometimes hard to describe. Here are a couple topics, and the different ways I like to describe them when I get asked about camp:
Cabin Life
“Campers at WeHaKee live in cabins with up to 8 girls. It’s like a sleepover that you don’t have to leave in the morning! Your cabin is completed with 2 counselors who sleep in a little room called the counselor porch. Everyone has their own shelves to keep their things.”
Read more about our cabins here!
“Before camp you fill out a form to pick which activities you want. I have my own favorites, but you don’t have to do the same ones as me! Everyone gets their own schedule of 10 activities and you do 5 each day.”
Our activity page has more info!
“My favorite meal is the first one we have each session: spaghetti and meatballs. There are lots of different choices though! If your cabin is clean you get to eat first, and more importantly, go to dessert first!”
A typical day includes meals and much more.
“In a lot of different places and times at camp, we hear about some WeHaKee values and community is just one of them. It’s the one I feel a lot though. I’ve gotten to know people from around the country and around the world. I’ve made friends I wouldn’t have otherwise and we have a great space to have fun together.”
Learn more about WeHaKee’s values, and our faith and spiritual identity.
So you know how I might approach some questions about camp, but I want to hear from you! There’s lots more to know… Leave a comment and tell me what you tell your friends about camp! Or if you haven’t been to WeHaKee yet, send me your questions!
If you have something you want a new or potential WeHaKee camper to know, consider writing us a letter about your time at camp! You can send it by mail to our office, or to Thatch by email: [email protected]. We would love to share it with our community.
See you at camp!