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Help Us Share the Wonder of WeHaKee with New Families!

WeHaKee Camp for Girls is open to all girls and young women, ages 7-17. But not all girls and families know about the tremendous offerings and experiences available at WeHaKee. 

The Co-Camp Directors, Maggie and Bob Braun are continually attending camp fairs, arranging and traveling to home visits, and doing whatever it takes to spread the word, but they need your help!

Introduce New Girls and Families to WeHaKee Camp for Girls

Home Visits

Offer to invite friends, family members, classmates, or faith community members to your home for a WeHaKee presentation by Maggie, Bob, or local WeHaKee Camp for Girls alumni.

Distribute Brochures and Other Materials

Contact your school or parish and request to have brochures distributed or posters displayed about WeHaKee Camp for Girls.

Post Notices in Newsletters, Bulletins, Etc.

Request to place announcements about WeHaKee Camp for Girls summer offerings in school newsletters, church bulletins, or other communications that girls and their families will see.

Other Ideas!

Let us know if you have other creative and ingenious ideas as to how girls and their families can find out and learn more about WeHaKee Camp for Girls.

Sign-Up to Help Spread the Word

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“This place has always been a part of my life and I love being a part of making a difference at WeHaKee. All of the people I have met here over the years have been some of the greatest people I have ever met. A community like WeHaKee is very rare.”
